Report: Vision Pro after June 10 in more countries, including Germany

The wait will soon be over: Apple's mixed reality headset is about to be launched outside the USA. The company is currently training international employees.

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Vision-Pro-Verkaufsgespräch im Apple Store

Vision Pro sales talk in the Apple Store: Apple is currently preparing its employees from many countries.

(Bild: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Although Apple did not give an announcement date for the international rollout of the Vision Pro during its iPad keynote last week, it probably won't be long now. According to a report by the financial news agency Bloomberg, which was updated on Tuesday morning, the sales launch of the mixed reality headset will begin after the Apple developer conference WWDC 2024, which will be held from June 10 to 14.

The first countries planned are therefore Germany, France, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and China - whether only mainland China or also Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan was not initially announced. Apple has flown Apple Store employees from these regions to its headquarters in Cupertino to train their colleagues at home. There they will learn how to bring the Vision Pro to customers.

The training sessions lasted up to four days and began last week, according to people briefed by Bloomberg. Apple has not yet told employees in which markets the Vision Pro will be launched. It has only been available in the USA since February 2. For China, the device is said to have been certified by the regulatory authority Quality Certification Center on Monday, without which sales in this market would not be possible. Apple did not wish to comment on the report.

According to earlier reports, the Vision Pro was supposed to go on sale internationally before WWDC, but there appears to have been a delay. Apple can make good use of new markets. The headset, which costs at least 3500 US dollars (plus tax), is not a mass product due to its price. Sales, which Apple does not officially comment on, are said to have fallen recently.

In Europe, the Vision Pro could cost around 4000 euros and therefore also be a luxury product. The glasses offer two 4K screens, operation via eye tracking and their own software ecosystem, which can also be used with iPadOS and iOS apps. Apple is also said to be working on a cheaper model, but it is not yet clear when this will be released.

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